Hopefully we now have the attention of some of you!
Whilst the headline image is a fun and tongue in cheek quality photograph, from the Victron Energy 2014 Calendar, it is also a serious way to announce the ‘Victron Energy Photo Contest’.
Over the last months many surprising applications using Victron products have come to light, ranging from cold remote mountain installations, to desert medical facilities, to fast solar boats, to vegetarian robots. It is in this spirit we’d like to invite you to share your best photograph, with Victron equipment at the heart of your submission. The 2014 calendar was Marianka’s theme. What will yours be?
Join Victron Energy’s photo contest and have your photo illustrated on one of the pages of our exclusive calendar. Everyone is free to join the contest, as long as the guidelines are respected. Send your photo as a JPG and as a RAW-file via www.wetransfer.com using the email address events@victronenergy.com
Submissions before the 12th of September 2014 will be accepted. Please include your name, the location of the photo and a small description.
Besides being in this prestigious calendar, all winners will also receive their very own photo printed on glass!
Note. If you have an interesting installation, but don’t have the time or knowledge to create a good photo, then please still let us know, as we are always looking for installation examples.
Guidelines & Tips
- All photos to be in the horizontal orientation
- The photo is to be taken with a camera that can shoot in RAW format
- Tip: to make the photo more attractive, it is an idea to add a model/models. This can be a male, a female or both. The outfit of the model/models should be decent and of course fit with the application
- The photo has to show the function of the Victron Energy products used
- Victron Energy should be seen somewhere in the picture (use of a mock up Victron Energy flag for example)
- Tip: to show in the photo where it has been taken, it is an idea to add something that is typical for the country. For example a typical object/animal or costume of that country
- Please note that by submitting the photos for this contest, you transfer the rights for usage to Victron Energy. This means photos can be used by Victron Energy in the calendar and other media
- All photos received will be checked for their quality and content and be judged by the Victron Energy team
Have fun! We look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have any questions please email events@victronenergy.com or ask here on the blog, so others may benefit from any answer too.
PS. This information is also available as a PDF: Photo Contest 2014 – flyer