Conceiving to row the Pacific Ocean is remarkable enough but to actually do it is simply stunning. And the Coxless Crew have! They and their boat called Doris arrived in Cairns, Australia late last night (UTC) after having travelled 8,446 miles.
Here’s what the Coxless Crew had to say on arrival:
“More than 9 months after Doris set off from San Francisco, we have made land in Cairns, Australia. 257 days at sea, nearly 6,200 hours of rowing, 1,020+ dehydrated meals consumed, 7,700+ litres of water drunk, 12 giant tubs of sudocrem, sea creatures, passing ships, sunsets, sunrises, torrential rain, black nights, starry nights, huge swells, flat calm, sea sickness, salt sores, storms, swimming, “showering”, “bucketing”, birthdays, Christmas, New Years, tears, hugs, laughter and unbreakable bonds formed between the 6 of us.
We crossed our Pacific! Thank you all so much for supporting us and sharing our journey. We are hugely proud to have rowed in support of Breast Cancer Care and Walking With The Wounded. Help us reach our fundraising target and donate here.”
An incredible achievement and naturally Victron Energy and Victron distributors Barden UK Limited congratulate all concerned and are proud to have been associated with The Coxless Crew. The sponsored and supplied equipment consisted of two of everything below, to ensure system redundancy:
- Lithium battery 12.8V 90 Ah
- BlueSolar MPPT 75/15 (Solar charge controller)
- Battery Monitor BMV-700 series
- VE.Bus BMS (Battery Management System)
John Rushworth
To learn more and keep up with the latest information and media events surrounding this achievement see: