On Monday morning at Victron Energy the Knights of the Round Table gathered; Sir Launch-A-Lot star of the show. Yes, Arthurian legend has been updated in the 21st century, Sir Lancelot is now a robot and to the delight of all he visited Victron Energy.
Well maybe that is stretching things too far but the round table in this case were parents, some Victron employees, the Impossible Robotics knights and their ‘greatest fighter and swordsman of all’ – the fabulous new robot Sir Launch-A-Lot. And goodness can he catapult boulders and assault castle walls!
Sir who?
At this stage an explanation is in order. As you may recall Victron Energy are once again sponsoring the young engineers of the future – the Impossible Robotics team. Recently we revealed this year’s FIRST ® Robotics Competition 2016 theme ‘Stronghold’, which involves breaching their opponents defences. Here’s a short video explaining the game to be held at the CFE Arena at the University of Central Florida in Orlando from March 9 to March 12, 2016.
The Round Table
This photograph of the ‘round table’ is taken from the castle walls; or Victron’s workshop in Groningen as it is usually known. In this shot all were in rapt attention as the knights readied Sir Launch-A-Lot for his first public demonstration, prior to the competition in America.
The Knights
Here you can see some of the knights at the controls of Sir Launch-A-Lot with team coach Henk van der Wal on the right.
Sir Launch-A-Lot in action
Be amazed at the dexterity, manoeuvrability, speed and power as Sir Launch-A-Lot flings a boulder at the gathered crowd.
Sir Launch-A-Lot from Mark Nijboer on Vimeo.
Be afraid, be very afraid, the Impossible Robotics team and their secret weapon (codenamed 5412) are coming!
- Web: http://www.impossible-robotics.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/impossible.robotics
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/team5412
- E-Mail: info@impossible-robotics.com
- Orlando FRC Regional: http://orlandofrc.org
- Event info: http://www.firstinspires.org/team-event-search/event?id=17315
- The teams: http://www.thebluealliance.com/event/2016flor
- The secret weapon (5412): http://www.thebluealliance.com/team/5412/2016