A biogas plant producing 500kVA has found that the most cost effective method of providing its own machinery with power is by using solar energy.
It is more profitable to sell 100% of the energy it produces to the grid and to install a containerised solution to supply its own power needs in the form of a VIC – Sonnenspeicher VIC-ESS energy container.
VIC-ESS container is a highly portable, powerful and instant turnkey solution to renewable power requirements. The biogas client has opted for a 200kWp solar array; coupled with a 120kWh Lithium Iron Mangan Phosphate battery bank.
The 90 kVA three-phase grid-parallel system uses 8 Fronius 25kVA inverters, together with 6 Victron Quattro 15kVA / 48V inverters. The grid is protected by a 250 kW ENS release point anti-islanding system. All hardware is controlled by a Color Control GX allowing system data be interrogated and managed via the Victron VRM portal from anywhere in the world.
Further system monitoring – also read by the Color Control GX – is provided by Zigbee and Gavazzi meters. One of the advantages of the VIC-ESS container is that VIC – Sonnenspeicher complete the system build off-site – all tidily installed into an insulated, air-conditioned 20ft shipping container – and then deliver it to the customer ready to go.
Assuming that electricity costs continue to rise VIC- Sonnenspeicher calculate that this installation will pay for itself in approximately 7 years.
Their containers are configured as Energy Storage Systems (ESS) so that self-produced energy is made available for the consumer’s requirement – with surplus energy being used to charge the battery bank. Here a “zero feed in” power option prevents it from being fed to the grid.
This combination of Victron hardware, and system design and build by VIC-Sonnenspeicher allows reliable energy provision to be made available anywhere in the world – operational in the shortest possible time.