Field test: PV Modules

A real world comparison between Mono, Poly, PERC and Dual PV Modules.

Total solar yield: --
Total solar yield: --
Total solar yield: --
Total solar yield: --
Total solar yield: --
Total solar yield: --
Installation date: 09-03-2020

* This is a field test and the results are specific for this installation on this location please research which is the best solution for your own situation as the results can be different based on environmental influences.

Total solar yield as of 27/03/2023 when the results were reset:
Mono: 9158 kWh
Split-cell: 9511 kWh
Poly: 9113 kWh
Perc: 9471 kWh
Perc-east: 1970 kWh
Perc-west: 1730 kWh

Power containers for Disaster Relief

Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption, Typhoon. Philippine's backup power

The geographic location of the Republic of the Philippines‘ seven thousand islands make them vulnerable to natural disasters.

The archipelago lies in an area of seismic activity, experiencing an average of 20 typhoons per year, and they count 23 active volcanoes among their islands.

Catastrophic incidents result in loss of life and in the period of vulnerability which follows – no power, water, food or shelter – an inability to respond will take a further toll.

Disruption to the electricity grid hinders any relief effort because communication systems are down, there’s no lighting at night, no pumped drinking water; and medical equipment lying idle which could be used to treat those in need.

An immediate solution to reliable autonomous power is available in the form of containerised power systems with battery stored energy, which can be recharged from solar panels. They require no set up; can be left unattended, and there’s no requirement for fuel supply or engineering support. From the moment they arrive on site they can deliver 24 hour power.

Because of the frequency of natural disasters experienced in the Philippines the United States Agency for International Development USAID has funded four such containerised power systems to be kept permanently on standby until needed for disaster relief.

The containerised off-grid solar systems which include lithium battery storage have been designed and built by off-grid specialist Semper Green Energy Inc.

Patrick de Backere, CEO of Semper Green Energy Inc.”We are very pleased that USAID has chosen us and our expertise for this important work in building these containerised power supplies for disaster relief.”

There is no doubt that the units funded by USAID – which has been investing in regional development for sixty years – will save lives.

The disaster relief power systems are built using the following devices:

Containerised systems are flexible, of course, and other configurations are possible according to need. Built using reliable devices they can operate in harsh environments, deployed rapidly and managed remotely.

Following the loss of agriculture, the natural habitat, damage to essential utilities and to the built environment the availability of power allows survivors not just the ability to secure themselves in the short term, but it also allows them to recover normal social and economic life as quickly as possible.

USAID’s work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity, demonstrates American generosity, and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience.

This collaboration between USAID and Semper Green Energy Inc provides a strategic preparedness – mitigating the natural disasters which will inevitably come.

The headline image which has not been altered is the property of SuSanA Secretariat:

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