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battery_balancer_demo_webapp [2015-03-04 17:11] – Page moved from drafts:battery_balancer_demo_webapp to battery_balancer_demo_webapp mvaderbattery_balancer_demo_webapp [2024-07-05 13:39] (current) marmour
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-====== Battery Balancer demo webapp offline use ======+====== Battery Balancer demo web-app ======
 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
-With the Battery Balancer demo webapp you can demonstrate how the battery balancer works. There are two sliders on side of the screen. With these you can create an off balance battery system. When you release slider the balancer will react within its specification according to the data-sheet. The leds will react accordingly.+With the Battery Balancer demo web-app you can demonstrate on your phone or tablet how the battery balancer works. There are two sliders on each side of the screen. With these sliders you can create an out of balance battery system. As soon as you release the sliderthe balancer will then operate based on the specifications in the data-sheet. The onscreen LEDs and energy flow will react accordingly.
-===== Steps to install ===== +By following the instructions below, the web-app can be saved to your phone as an easy to find icon. The web-app will also work when not connected to the internet. 
-Steps to use the battery balancer demo webapp on your mobile deviceThese steps download the app to your device so it will be available when offline. For Android and Windows Mobile the procedure is the same.+===== Steps to install it as a web-app ===== 
 +The screenshots below have been made with an iPhoneThe procedure is the same for Android and Windows phones and tablets.
- +Steps (see images below)
-Steps (See image below)+
   - Visit in your mobile-browser (safari).   - Visit in your mobile-browser (safari).
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   - Select ‘Add to home screen‘.   - Select ‘Add to home screen‘.
   - Select ‘Add‘ when the battery-balancer-icon is visible.   - Select ‘Add‘ when the battery-balancer-icon is visible.
-  - Start the app at least one’s when online to download it.+  - Start the web-app (once you have been online and downloaded it initially).
 {{:drafts:offline_ios_webapp.jpg?800|}} {{:drafts:offline_ios_webapp.jpg?800|}}
battery_balancer_demo_webapp.1425485474.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015-03-04 17:11 by mvader

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