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ve.can:pgn_details [2015-04-29 09:59] – [VE.Direct to VE.Can\NMEA 2000 interface] mbosmave.can:pgn_details [2019-01-22 10:43] (current) – external edit
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-====== Introduction ====== +====== NMEA2000 Switch bank PGN definitions ======
-This page is created to inform you on the details of NMEA 2000 PGNs that are transmitted by Victron CAN enabled products.+
-===== Switch Bank Control - PGN 127502 (0x1F20E) (deprecated) =====+This document is an add-on to our Datacommunication whitepaper. That whitepaper contains a list of PGNs transmitted by each product type. This document defines the bit definitions of the switch banks. 
 +Download the main document, the Datacommunication whitepaper, from the [[|whitepapers section on our website]]. 
 +=== Proprietary messages: VREGs === 
 +Note that besides the standard NMEA2000 PGNs, Victron devices also transmit proprietary messages, called VREGs. VREGs are used for all parameters cannot be sent with standard NMEA 2000 PGNs. The VREG PGN number is 61184 (0xEF00), and it is sent to the broadcast address 61439 (0xEFFF). 
 +See the document “VE.Can registers - public.docx” for detailed VREG information and examples. It is available for download on the [[|whitepaper section on our website]].. 
 +=== More CAN-bus and NMEA2000 related documentation === 
 +  * [[ve.can:changing_nmea2000_instances|]] 
 +  * [[ve.can:start|]] 
 +===== PGN List ===== 
 +==== Switch Bank Control - PGN 127502 (0x1F20E) (deprecated) ====
 This message is no longer transmitted and has been replaced by PGN 127501.\\ This message is no longer transmitted and has been replaced by PGN 127501.\\
 This applies to products with versions as specified in the table below or newer. This applies to products with versions as specified in the table below or newer.
-^ Product                        ^ Version ^ +^ Product                                 ^ Version ^ 
-| BlueSolar MPPT 150/70 & 150/85 | v1.08 +| BlueSolar MPPT 150/70 & 150/85          v2.00 
-| Lynx Shunt VE.Can              | v1.00 | +| Lynx Shunt VE.Can                       | v1.00 | 
-| Skylla-i                       | v1.08 | +| Skylla-i (all models)                   | v1.08 | 
-| VE.Direct to VE.Can\NMEA 2000  | v1.06 | +| VE.Direct to VE.Can\NMEA 2000 interface | v1.06 | 
-| VE.Bus to VE.Can\NMEA 2000     | v0.12 |+| VE.Bus to VE.Can\NMEA 2000 interface    | v0.12 |
 ===== Binary Status Report - PGN 127501 (0x1F20D) ===== ===== Binary Status Report - PGN 127501 (0x1F20D) =====
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 ==== BlueSolar Charger 150/70 & 150/85 ==== ==== BlueSolar Charger 150/70 & 150/85 ====
 ^ Signal                      ^ Meaning ^ ^ Signal                      ^ Meaning ^
-Binary Device Bank Instance | Instance of the message, default value 0 |+| Bank Instance               | Instance of the message, default value 0 |
 | Status 1 - Relay            | "On" - The relay on the charger is active, the contact is closed | | Status 1 - Relay            | "On" - The relay on the charger is active, the contact is closed |
 | Status 2 - Alarm            | "On" - There is an alarm condition | | Status 2 - Alarm            | "On" - There is an alarm condition |
 | Status 3 - Low voltage      | "On" - Battery voltage is too low | | Status 3 - Low voltage      | "On" - Battery voltage is too low |
 | Status 4 - High voltage     | "On" - Battery voltage is too high | | Status 4 - High voltage     | "On" - Battery voltage is too high |
-| Status 5 - Solar activity   | "On" - Solar panel irradiated (can be used for day/night detection) | +| Status 5 - Solar activity*  | "On" - Solar panel irradiated (can be used for day/night detection) | 
-| Status 6 ... 28             | Not used, reports "No Action" |+| Status 6 ... 28             | Not used, reports as "Unavailable" | 
 +* Since v2.01
-==== VE.Direct to VE.Can\NMEA 2000 interface ====+When the Alarm status bit is set to "On", the alarm reason can be queried using Victron propietary register 0xEDDA (Charger error code). 
 +==== Lynx Shunt VE.Can ==== 
 +Since v1.07 the Lynx Shunt also transmits PGN 127501 for the relay trigger reason next to the PGN with the alarm reason.\\  
 +The mapping of the status bits is identical to the alarm message. \\ 
 +The default instance of the alarm message is 0, as the default instance for the relay message is 1. 
 +^ Signal                               ^ Meaning ^ 
 +| Bank Instance                        | Instance of the message\\ Default value for alarm message is 0\\ Default value for relay message is 1 | 
 +| Status 1 – Low voltage               | “On” – Battery voltage is too low | 
 +| Status 2 – High voltage              | “On” – Battery voltage is too high | 
 +| Status 3 – Low SOC                   | “On” – The Battery state of charge is too low | 
 +| Status 4 – Low fused voltage         | “On” – Fused voltage is too low | 
 +| Status 5 – High fused voltage        | “On” – Fused voltage is too high | 
 +| Status 6 – Fuse blown                | “On” – The fuse is blown | 
 +| Status 7 – High battery temperature  | “On” – Battery temperature is too high | 
 +| Status 8 – Low battery temperature   | “On” – Battery temperature is too low | 
 +| Status 9 – High internal temperature | “On” – Internal temperature is too high | 
 +| Status 10 … 28                       | Not used, report as “Unavailable” | 
 +The alarm and relay thresholds can be configured using Victron proprietary registers. 
 +==== Skylla-i ====
 ^ Signal                      ^ Meaning ^ ^ Signal                      ^ Meaning ^
-Binary Device Bank Instance | Instance of the message, default value 0 |+| Bank Instance               | Instance of the message, default value 0 |
 | Status 1 - Relay            | "On" - The relay on the charger is active, the contact is closed | | Status 1 - Relay            | "On" - The relay on the charger is active, the contact is closed |
 | Status 2 - Alarm            | "On" - There is an alarm condition | | Status 2 - Alarm            | "On" - There is an alarm condition |
-| Status 3 – Low voltage*     On” – Battery voltage is too low | +| Status 3 Low voltage      "On" - Battery voltage is too low | 
-| Status 4 – High voltage*    On” – Battery voltage is too high | +| Status 4 High voltage     "On" - Battery voltage is too high | 
-| Status 5 – Low SOC*         “On” – The Battery state of charge is too low +| Status 5 ... 28             Not used, reports as "Unavailable" 
-| Status 6 – Low voltage 2*   | “On” – Starter Battery voltage is too low | +When the Alarm status bit is set to “On”, the alarm reason can be queried using Victron propietary register 0xEDDA (Charger error code). 
-| Status 7 – High voltage 2*  | “On” – Starter Battery voltage is too high | + 
-| Status 8 … 28               | Not usedreport as “No Action” | +==== VE.Direct to VE.Can\NMEA 2000 interface ==== 
-* BMV version 2.08 and higher+See the manual of the VE.Direct to VE.Can interface: 
 +==== VE.Bus to VE.Can\NMEA 2000 interface ==== 
 +See the manual of the VE.Direct to VE.Can interface: 
ve.can/pgn_details.1430294387.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015-04-29 09:59 by mbosma

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