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venus-os:large [2024-08-04 16:01] – [6.4 CAN-bus ports] mvadervenus-os:large [2024-10-18 14:37] (current) – [5.9. Node-RED FAQ] mvader
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 There is and will be no official support on the functionalities of Venus OS large. There is and will be no official support on the functionalities of Venus OS large.
-For support, turn to the [[|Modifications Space on Victron Community]] and/or the [[|Node-RED Space on Victron Community]].+For support, turn to the [[|Modifications Space on Victron Community]]. Another good resource is [[|all posts tagged as Node-RED]].
-There, first search if someone else had a similar question already. And if you can’t find such, then create a new question. Make sure you add Node-RED to the topic.+On Community, first search if someone else had a similar question already. And if you can’t find such, then create a new question. Make sure to tag it with Node-RED.
 For support on SignalK, there is a #victron channel in [[|the SignalK Slack]] workspace. For support on SignalK, there is a #victron channel in [[|the SignalK Slack]] workspace.
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 In case you see that there is a newer version Victron pallette available online, and thats not yet shipping in a Venus OS Large version, then the only option is to wait: a new Venus OS Large version is usually made available shortly after updating that pallette. In case you see that there is a newer version Victron pallette available online, and thats not yet shipping in a Venus OS Large version, then the only option is to wait: a new Venus OS Large version is usually made available shortly after updating that pallette.
-=== Q3: How can I password protect Node-RED ===+=== Q3: How can I password protect Node-RED / My Node-RED is password protected ===
-Password protection of Node-Red is linked to the remote console. If a password is set for the remote console, this password is also used for securing Node-Red. The username is ''admin'', the password is the remote console password.+__Venus OS v3.50 and later__ 
 +For systems that have a security profile set (under Settings -> General -> Security Profile), the password protection is linked to the chosen security profile. The password that has been set for either security profile "weak" or "secured" is also used to access Node-RED, in combination with username ''admin''.  
 +__ Venus OS versions prior to v3.50__ 
 +The Node-RED's password protection is tied to the remote console. If a password is set for the remote console, this password is also used for securing Node-Red. The username is ''admin'', the password is the remote console password.
 === Q4: How do I restart Node-RED from the Venus GUI? === === Q4: How do I restart Node-RED from the Venus GUI? ===
venus-os/large.1722780098.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-08-04 16:01 by mvader

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