====== VenusOSLarge image: Signal K and Node-RED ======
===== 1. Introduction =====
This manual documents VenusOSLarge. VenusOS is the the software running on our [[https://www.... monitoring device]] as well as other GX devices. VenusOSLarge is an extended version of the common software, ad... stalled on the Victron GX devices when installing VenusOSLarge.
For more information on Signal K on VenusOS, s
that have a [[https://www.victronenergy.com/live/venus-os:start|GX device]] installed, and being internet-c... re version - they all meet the requirements.
* VenusOS firmware must be 2.65 or later.
* The ''Full'' access setting, which is on the [[venus-os:start|GX device]] menu -> Settings -> VRM Online ... devices and once completed show the result:
{{ :venus-os:fw_update_device_list2.png?nolink |}}
==== 3.2 F