Commencing a new charge cycle
A new charge cycle will commence when:
The configured Re-bulk condition is satisfied (typically due to a large load):
'Re-bulk method' set to 'Current' and 'Re-bulk current' is disabled (default configuration): The current output must be maintained at the maximum current output for four seconds.
'Re-bulk method' is set to 'Current' and 'Re-bulk current' is configured with a user defined value: The current output must exceed the configured 'Re-bulk current' for four seconds while the charger is in float or storage stage.
'Re-bulk method' is set to 'Voltage' and 'Re-bulk voltage offset' is configured with a user defined value: The battery voltage must drop below the configured 'Re-bulk voltage' for one minute.
The charger is in a VE.Smart network with synchronised charging: The battery voltage must drop below the configured 'Re-bulk voltage' for one minute (regardless of the 'Re-bulk method' selected).
The MODE button is pressed or used to select a new charge mode.
VictronConnect is used to select a new charge mode or change the function from ‘Power Supply’ to ‘Charger’ mode.
The power supply to the AC power supply has been isolated and reconnected.