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VE.Direct Bluetooth Smart dongle

3. Operation

As soon as the Victron product where the dongle is connected to, is powered up, the dongle will also be powered.

The blue Bluetooth LED will be slowly blinking. This means that the dongle is ready for connection.

3.1. LED Status codes Bluetooth module

The Bluetooth status LED (blue) and an the error LED are both associated with the Bluetooth interface.

  • On power-up, the blue LED will blink, and the red LED will quickly flash. The red LED will give a short flash to confirm that the red LED is functional.

  • When the blue LED is blinking, the Bluetooth interface is ready to be connected to the VictronConnect App.

  • When the blue LED stays on, the Bluetooth interface has successfully connected to VictronConnect App via Bluetooth.

See below table for an overview of all possible LED combinations of the Bluetooth module and their meaning.

Table 1. LED indications Bluetooth module

Blue LED


Operational state

Connection state


Slow blinking


VE.Direct gateway

Not connected

Ready for connection via Bluetooth



VE.Direct gateway


Bluetooth successfully connected



VE.Direct gateway


VE.Direct communication problem.

Only the dongle itself can be updated in VictronConnect.

Slow blinking

Slow blinking

VE.Direct gateway

Not connected

VE.Direct communication problem.

The dongle will only advertise itself and the attached device will not be visible in VictronConnect.

Double flash

Double flash

VE.Direct gateway

Not connected

Confirmation that the PIN code has been cleared

Fast blinking and alternating with red LED

Fast blinking and alternating with blue LED

Firmware update

Not connected

Red and blue LED are alternating - The firmware needs to be updated


Fast blinking

Firmware update


The firmware is being updated


Slow blinking

Firmware update


The firmware is being updated

3.2. Update firmware

If the blue and red LED are blinking alternating fast this means that the dongle firmware needs to be updated. This usually occurs during installation when the dongle is powered up for the first time.

To update the firmware on first install:

  • Connect to the dongle with VictronConnect.

  • Once connected VictronConnect will automatically initiate the firmware update.


Screenshot dongle firmware update using VictronConnect

To check the firmware version or to manually update:

  • Go to the product info screen as described in previous chapter

  • Check the firmware version

  • If the latest version is installed, no action is needed

  • If there is a newer version available, use the "UPDATE" link to update to the latest version


Screenshot dongle firmware version overview VictronConnect