MPPT Solar Chargers
The MPPT state - as shown on the CCGX to which it is connected - will show 'ESS'.
The blue 'Bulk' light on the MPPT will be lit and occulting every four seconds to indicate that the MPPT is remotely controlled.
Installations using a Grid Meter
'Grid Meter' will be visible in the Device list of the CCGX
Optimize mode
Switch off or disconnect all loads. When power from PV is available the battery status will show Charging, and the Grid (the red box on the left of the overview) will be slightly fluctuating around 0W (zero watts).
Keep batteries charged mode
After configuring this item, the system will immediately start charging the battery.
Take these steps to verify operation:
First, disconnect the mains. The system will switch to inverter mode and power loads from the batteries, and also directly from PV.
Then reconnect the mains. The battery will be charged from both the mains and from PV.
Fronius Zero feed-in
In the Settings → ESS menu, the Zero feed-in active item shows 'Yes'.
Backup Generator
Start the generator and check that the system begins to charge the batteries.