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MultiPlus-II GX

10. Configuring the Product

The following hardware is required:


Note that firmware updates require use of the MK3-USB and cannot be performed remotely.

10.1. VEConfigure PC software

Configuration of the product is performed with a tool called VEConfigure. It is essential to read the seperate VEConfigure manual and undertake Victron training for safe use of this tool.

10.2. VE.Bus Quick Configure Setup

VE.Bus Quick Configure Setup is a software program with which systems with a maximum of three Multis (parallel or three phase operation) can be configured in a simple manner.

The software can be downloaded free of charge at

10.3. VE.Bus System Configurator

For configuring advanced applications and/or systems with four or more Multis, VE.Bus System Configurator software must be used. The software can be downloaded free of charge at