Different origins of errors
On your GX device, some error codes shown will be from the GX device itself; in that case, see list below. As the system control panel, it also shows error codes from the connected devices, such as:
Multi and Quattro inverter/chargers: VE.Bus Error Codes
MPPT Solar Chargers: MPPT Solar Charger Error Codes
GX Error #42 - Storage corrupt
This error means that the flash memory inside the GX device is corrupt.
The device must be sent in for repair/replacement. It is not possible to correct this issue in the field or with a firmware update.
The affected flash memory is the partition that holds all user settings and factory data, such as serial numbers and WiFi codes.
GX Error #47 - Data partition issue
The internal storage in the GX device is most likely broken: causing it to lose its configuration.
Contact your dealer or installer; see our Victron Energy Support page.
GX Error #48 - DVCC with incompatible firmware
This error is raised when the DVCC feature is enabled, whilst not all devices in the system are updated to recent enough firmware. More information about DVCC and minimal required firmware versions in the DVCC chapter of this manual.
Note for systems with Pylontech and BMZ batteries:
In VenusOS v2.80, we enforced DVCC on for Pylontech and BMZ batteries. For very old and never updated systems, this can cause the same error.
Disable automatic updates; Settings → Firmware → Online updates.
Revert to v2.73. To roll back to a previous firmware version, see Install a specific firmware version from SD/USB.
And after that, consider getting an installer that will update all the firmware.
Note for systems with BYD, MG Energy Systems and Victron Lynx Ion BMS batteries:
Since Venus OS v2.40, released in December 2019, the DVCC feature is automatically switched on when the system detects a supported battery/BMS type connected. In systems that require DVCC to be enabled by the battery manufacturers, it is no longer possible to switch DVCC off.
This creates an issue for systems installed and commissioned a long time ago before DVCC was available, and they may not have the other necessary components or firmware to work correctly with it enabled.
Disable automatic updates; Settings → Firmware → Online updates.
Roll back to v2.33; to roll back to a previous firmware version, see Install a specific firmware version from SD/USB.
Make sure that DVCC is disabled again.
Please consult your installer to check if the battery system is managed with two wire control (an earlier alternative control method to DVCC) or not:
If there is no charge- and discharge-wiring between BMS, inverter/chargers and charge controllers, then DVCC is required for the above-mentioned battery brands, and this also has certain minimum firmware requirements for connected Inverter/chargers and Solar charge controllers.
GX Error #49 - Grid meter not found
This warning is raised in an ESS system when Grid metering is configured to use an External meter, but no meter is present. This alerts installers and end-users that the system is not correctly configured or cannot operate correctly because it cannot communicate with the grid meter.
GX Error #51 - mk3 firmware needs update
When this notification shows, it is recommended to update the MK3-controller that is embedded into the GX device. This update is required for recent new features, including Generator start/stop warmup and cooldown times.
To do that, go into the Device list, and then into the MultiPlus-Quattro or EasySolar listing. Here you will see this entry:
There is a small chance; our statistics show approx. 5% that this update triggers a short system restart: your inverter/charger might turn off and on again.
If you don't see that message, the system is already up to date. Note that this manual update is only needed once. It was made to be manually initiated because of the small chance of the inverter/charger restart. Future updates can be installed without sometimes resulting in a short restart.
To solve the problem, first find out how the system is connected, and then follow the right step by step instruction below. There are two ways to connect a Multi/Quattro system to a Venus GX. In most systems they will be connected directly to the VE.Bus port on the back of the VGX. And, option two, in some systems they are connected to the Venus GX using a VE.Bus to VE.Can interface.
Step by step instructions when connected to VE.Bus port on the VGX
Update the Venus GX to the latest available version.
See our blog posts in the https://www.victronenergy.com/blog/category/firmware-software/.
Do you have a Digital Multi Control or VE.Bus BMS in the system? In that case it is normal that on/off is disabled.
See also the VE.Bus related notes in the VGX manual.
In case you have had a Digital Multi Control or VE.Bus BMS connected to your system, the Venus GX remembers it and even when those accessories have been removed, the On/Off switch will still be disabled. To clear the memory, execute a Redetect system in the Remote Consolemenu for your Multi or Quattro.
For details see the Advanced menu section.
For parallel/three-phase systems consisting of more than 5 units: depending on temperature and other circumstances, it might not be possible to switch a system back on after switching it off with the VGX. As a work around you'll need to unplug the VE.Bus cable from the back of the VGX. And plug it back in after starting the VE.Bus system. The real resolution is to install the “VGX dongle for large VE.Bus systems”, partnumber BPP900300100. For details, read its connection instruction.
Step by step instructions when connected to VGX via VE.Can.
Update the Venus GX to the latest available version. See our blog posts in the firmware category.
Update the VE.Bus to VE.Can interface to the latest version. The easiest way to do that is by using Remote firmware update: having a special piece of hardware, the CANUSB, is then not necessary.
Do you have a Digital Multi Control or VE.Bus BMS in the system? In that case it is normal that on/off is disabled. See also the VE.Bus related notes in the VGX manual
In case you have had a Digital Multi Control or VE.Bus BMS connected to your system, and it is now no longer connected, the Canbus interface remembers it. Therefore, even after those accessories have been removed, the On/off switch will still be disabled. Clearing this memory is unfortunately not possible yourself, please contact us so we can help you.
It depends. For details see the Battery state of charge (SoC) chapter.
There is no 3G or 4G modem in the GX device, and therefore also no slot for a SIM card. Go to a local store and buy a 3G/4G router with Ethernet ports. More information in the blog post link below and particularly in the comments section, as more users try differing equipment:
No. Also, instead of this combination, we recommend to use the Venus GX, and add a 3G/4G or similar mobile router. See Internet connectivity.
Examples are:
I know that a load is drawing 40W from the Multi, but the VGX shows 10W or even 0W.
I see that the Multi is supplying a load with 2000W, while in inverter mode, but from the battery only 1850W is being taken. Is those 150W coming out of nowhere?
The general answer is: the Multi and Quattros are not measurement instruments, they are inverter/chargers, and the measurements shown are a best effort delivery.
In more detail, there are several causes for measurement inaccuracies:
Part of the power taken from a battery by the inverter is being lost in the inverter, converted into heat: efficiency losses.
The Multi does not really measure the power being drawn from the battery. It measures the current at the output of the inverter, and then makes an assumption of the power being drawn from the battery.
Watts vs VA: depending on the Multi/Quattro firmware version and also the VGX firmware version, you are either looking at VAs (the result of calculating AC voltage * AC current) or looking at a Watts measurement. To see WATTS on the VGX , update your VGX to the latest version (v1.21 or newer). Also make sure the firmware version in your Multi supports Watts readout, minimum versions are xxxx154, xxxx205 and xxxx300.
Multis/Quattros connected to the VGX via a VE.Bus to VE.Can interface will always reports VAs, not (yet) Watts.
If a current sensor assistant is loaded in a Multi/Quattro and no sensor is connected it will return invalid power / kWh values.
If a current sensor assistant is loaded in a Multi/Quattro make sure the position is set correctly and the scale match with the dipswitches on the sensor itself.
A current sensor assistant measures and reports VAs, not Watts.
Notes for systems with multiple units in parallel:
VGX version prior to v1.20 use the power and current reported by the master of a phase and multiplied that by the number of devices in that phase. Since version v1.20 the values of all device is summed per phase and hence should be more accurate.
This revealed a bug for in the firmware of the multi when running in parallel. Ccgx v1.21 workarounds this, by falling back to the original behavior when it sees an affected firmware version. For better readings the multi's should be updated. The bug has been fixed in VE.Bus firmware version xxxx159, xxxx209, xxxx306. That firmware was released on February 17th 2015.
Multi firmware versions since 26xx207 / xxxx300 can also freeze the Power values at a certain moment in time.
Tips to prevent measurement problems:
Do not connect VEConfigure while the VGX is connected
VE.Bus is not a 100% plug and play system: if you disconnect the VGX from one Multi, and very quickly connect it to another, it can result it wrong values. To make sure that this is not the case, use the 'redetect system' option in the Multi/Quattro menu on the VGX .
A VE.Bus system can be completely turned off, including its communication. If you turn a VE.Bus system off, and thereafter reset the VGX, the VGX cannot obtain the detailed product name and shows “Multi” instead.
To get the proper name again, go into the Multi menu on the VGX and set the Switch menu entry to On or in case a Digital Multi Control is present, set the physical switch to On. Note that when there is a BMS, above procedure only works when within battery working voltages.
If a VGX ever saw a VE.Bus BMS or Digital Multi Control (DMC), it will remember them, until 'Redetect system' is started from the VGX menu. After a minute, restart the VGX: Settings → General → Reboot.
Our plan is to at least run a website where you can change settings and see the current status. If all works out as we would like to, there might come be a fully functional version of the online VRM Portal running locally on the Venus GX. This allows people without an internet connection, or an intermittent internet connection to have the same features and functionality.
From a random one.
The size of the download typically is around 90MB. After download it will install the files which can take up to 5 minutes.
It is not yet possible to replace the IO Extender functionality.
Yes, see VE Power Setup manual
No, a Venus GX always needs to be powered itself.
The Venus GX needs to have a valid IP address including a working DNS server and gateway. By default obtained from a DHCP server. Manual configuration is also possible.
DNS port 53 UDP and TCP
NTP (time sync) UDP port 123. NTP uses a pool of servers provided by ntp.org, so this will connect to a wide variety of servers.
VRM Portal:
Data is transmitted to the VRM Portal via HTTPS POST and GET requests to http://ccgxlogging.victronenergy.com on port 443. There is an option in the menu to use HTTP instead, port 80. Note that in that case it will still send sensitive data such as Remote Console related access keys over HTTPS/443.
Firmware updates:
The VGX connects to https://updates.victronenergy.com/ on port 443.
Remote support and Remote Console on VRM:
An outbound reverse SSH connection is made to supporthosts.victronenergy.com when either one, or both, of those features are enabled. The supporthosts.victronenergy.com record resolves to multiple IP addresses, and the DNS uses Geo-Location to resolve it to the nearest server. This outbound SSH connection tries multiple ports: port 22, port 80 or port 443. The first that works is used, and in case it loses connection it will retry them all again.
No port forwarding or other internet router configuration is necessary to use these features.
More information about the Remote Support feature is in the next FAQ item.
More information about troubleshooting Remote Console on VRM is in here: Remote Console on VRM - Troubleshooting.
Two way communication (Remote VEConfig and Remote Firmware updates):
Pre-v2.20: Uses HTTPS (port 443) to the Pubnub servers
v2.20 and later: connects to mqtt-rpc.victronenergy.com on port 443; and also connects to the mqtt{1 to 128}.victronenergy.com server farm. See this document for more information.
When enabled, a local MQTT broker is started, which accepts TCP connections on port 8883 (SSL) and 1883 (Plain text).
Depending on, the VGX will also (try to) connect to the Victron MQTT cloud servers. This connection always uses SSL and port 8883.
Remote Console on LAN:
Remote Console on LAN requires port 80 (small website hosted the GX device). And also requires port 81, which is the listening port for the websocket tunnel to VNC.
Modbus TCP:
When enabled, the ModbusTCP server listens on the common designated port for Modbus TCP, which is 502.
SSH Root Access:
Port 22 - see the Venus OS root access documentation.
This is a software developers feature.
When enabled, the Venus GX will open a SSH connection to our secure server, with a reverse tunnel back to the Venus GX. Through this tunnel, Victron engineers can login to your Venus GX and perform remote support. This works when the Venus GX is installed on an internet connection. The connection will even work when installed behind a firewall.
The SSH connection will be outbound, to port 80, 22 or 443 to supporthosts.victronenergy.com, which resolves to multiple IP addresses and depends on your location. Remote support functionality is disabled by default.
Data usage depends heavily on amount of connected products, and behavior and usage of those products. The measurements below are an indication only, and taken from a system with one VGX, one Multi, one BMV and one MPPT. Log interval set to 15 minutes. If you are on an expensive data-plan, do make some fail-safe.
Data consumption per month:
VRM logging: 15MB download, 45MB upload
Remote support: 22MB download, 40MB upload
Update checks: 8MB download, 0.3MB upload (This does not include the update itself)
2 way communication: 26MB download, 48MB upload
Mentioned megabytes do not include the download of a Venus GX firmware update. Firmware updates of 60MB are not uncommon.
The current maximum is 9 sensors (since Venus GX v1.31). Note that each need to be configured separately with an assistant in the Multi or Quattro to which it is wired.
Make sure that the GX device and MultiPlus is running the latest firmware version.
If you power the VGX from an AC adaptor connected to the AC-out port of any VE.Bus product (Inverter, Multi or Quattro), then a deadlock can occur after the VE.Bus products are powered-down for any reason (after any operational fault or during a black start). The VE.Bus devices will not boot-up until the VGX has power …but the VGX will not boot-up until it has power. See FAQ for more information about this.
This deadlock can be rectified by briefly unplugging the VGX VE.Bus cable at which point you will observe the VE.Bus products will immediately begin to boot-up.
This deadlock can be avoided in two ways:
Power the VGX from the battery; or
Cut pin 7 in the VE.Bus cable connected to the VGX
Cutting/Removing pin 7 of the VE.Bus cable to the VGX (brown/white according to standard RJ45 Ethernet cable colour coding) allows the VE.Bus products to start up without waiting for the VGX to boot up first.
Note that when using a Redflow ZBM2/ZCell battery, pin 7 should be cut even if the VGX is DC powered, to avoid the same deadlock at times when the Redflow battery cluster is at 0% SoC.
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The disadvantage of cutting pin 7 is that switching the VE.Bus device off will be less effective: although it will stop charging and inverting, it will still be in standby mode and therefore drawing more current from the battery than if pin 7 had been left in place. Typically this is only relevant in Marine or Automotive systems where it's normal to regularly switch the VE.Bus device off. For those types of systems we recommend that you do not cut pin 7, but simply power the VGX from the battery.
Yes you can! We intend to release almost all code as open source, but we are not that far yet. What we can offer today is that many parts of the software are in script or other non-precompiled languages, such as Python and QML, and therefore available on your Venus GX and easy to change. Root password and more information is available here.
Typic the following address into the web browser of a device connected to the same network. Using this address as a template: http://[ip-here]/logo.php (inserting your device’s IP address between the square brackets). The IP address can be found by going to Settings → Ethernet or Wifi. Once the page is loaded, choose an image file from your device. Re-boot the VGX.
Please check the remote switch connection on the Multi control PCB. There should be a wire bridge between the left and middle terminal. The VGX switches a line which enables the power of the Multi control board. After 10 seconds this line is released and the Multi should take over from there. When the remote switch connection is not wired, the Multi is unable to take over it's own supply. The VGX will retry, the Multi will boot and after 10 seconds stop, and so on.
If the GX device shows an Error #42 - Hardware fault, the flash storage on the device is corrupt. As a result, settings will not be saved (rebooting resets back to default) and other problems will rise.
This error is not recoverable in the field or by repair departments. Contact your dealer for a replacement.
Firmware versions until v2.30 did not report the error. Since v2.30; its visible on the device itself (in the GUI) and on the VRM Portal.
There are several reasons why a GX device may reboot itself.
One of the most common causes is loss of communication with the VRM online portal.
However, this is only true if the "Reboot device when no contact" option (disabled by default) has been enabled in the VRM online portal settings. If there is no contact with the VRM portal for the time period set in 'No contact reset delay', the GX device will automatically reboot. This process is repeated until communication with the VRM portal is restored. See also chapter Datalogging to VRM - Network watchdog: auto-reboot.
Check the network connection between your GX device and the router. See Troubleshooting data logging.
Preferably use an ethernet connection between your GX device and the router.
Tethered or hotspot connections, e.g. with a cell phone, are not reliable and are often interrupted or do not automatically restore the connection once it has been lost. Therefore, this is not recommended.
Other common reasons that cause the GX device to automatically restart are:
System overload (either CPU, memory, or both).
To reliably detect an overload of the system, there is the D-Bus round trip time (RTT) parameter, and this parameter is available on the VRM Portal. See image below how to set this up on VRM.
An RTT value between 1 and 100ms is fine, although 100ms is already quite high.
RTT peaks occurring now and then are not a problem. Permanently over 100ms is a problem and requires further investigation.
In case the cause is a system overload, then there are two solutions:
Disconnect devices to reduce the load, with associated disadvantages.
Or change the GX device for a more powerful one. In the current product offering - see our Victron GX product range -, the Cerbo GX & Cerbo-S GX is (far) more powerful than the CCGX as well as the Venus GX.
An occasional reboot is not causing any harm to system longevity or performance. The main effect is (temporary) disturbance of the monitoring.
How to create a custom widget in the VRM portal to read out D-Bus round trip time:
Connect to the VRM Portal using a browser.
Click on the Advanced tab in the menu on the left side.
Click on the widget icon in the top right corner.
Scroll down to Custom Widget and click on it to create a new custom widget.
Give it a proper name, chose "Gateway" from the list in Select device and "D-Bus round trip time" in Select parameter.
After clicking on the Save button, the new widget will appear under the Advanced tab.
Tip: Keep the time period to be examined as small as possible to achieve a high resolution of the round trip time.
The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the GPL. You may obtain the Corresponding Source code from us for a period of three years after our last shipment of this product.