The changelog is available on Victron Professional in the Firmware → Venus OS directory. To access Victron Professional, you need to sign up (free).
Running firmware version v1.74 or earlier? An upgrade is needed. Follow the upgrade procedure to v2.
Otherwise follow instructions below.
There are two ways to update the firmware:
Update it via the internet, either manually or let it check for new updates every day.
Update it from a microSD-card or USB-stick.
On GX devices without a display (ie. a Venus GX or Cerbo GX without GX Touch), use Remote Console to get to below menus.
To update from the internet, navigate to: Settings → Firmware → Online updates.
Press 'Check for updates'.
If there is a newer firmware version, it will be shown under 'Update available'. Press to update to the new firmware version.
After the GX device has been updated to the new firmware version, make sure to check the settings of your installation.
Note that for most system applications our advise is to keep automatic updates disabled; as is also the default factory setting. Instead, update the system at a convenient moment; when people are on location and ready to revert to a previous system and/or troubleshoot in case of issues.
Updating with a microSD-card or USB-stick is called 'Offline updating'. Use it when updating a device that is not connected to the internet.
Download the latest swu file:
Note that the same files and the changelog is available on Victron Professional. There is also a Dropbox connection to connect your Dropbox to our shared folder, so you always have the latest firmware files available on your laptop.
Install on a microSD-card or USB-stick
Store the file in the root folder of a USB-stick or microSD-card.
Insert the device
Note that you will see a warning “Attached storage contains a firmware image, not using for data logging.”. That warning can safely be ignored.
Initiate the update
Navigate to Settings → Firmware → Install firmware from SD/USB.
Press 'Check for firmware on SD/USB'.
If the firmware in the microSD-card or USB-stick is newer than the running one, 'Firmware found' item will appear, press it to start the update process.
There are two ways to revert to a previous firmware version:
Using the Stored firmware backup feature or
by downloading a specific firmware file, saving it onto a microSD-card or USB-stick and install from SD/USB.
This option allows you to switch between the current and the previous firmware version. No internet or SD-card needed.
Go to Settings → Firmware → Stored backup firmware.
The following screen shows the firmware version currently running and the firmware version that can be booted.
Click on 'Press to boot' to boot into the stored firmware version.
The stored firmware version is now booted and the previous firmware version will be saved instead.
There may be reasons why it is necessary to manually download and install a specific firmware version (e.g. an older firmware version that is not stored under "Stored backup firmware" on the GX device). This chapter explains how to do that.
Old Venus OS firmware versions are available for download here:
For Color Control GX use the ccgx folder.
Download the .swu file of the version required.
Store the .swu file in the root folder of a USB-stick or MicroSD-card.
Insert the USB-stick or MicroSD-card into your GX device.
Note that you will see a warning “Attached storage contains a firmware image, not using for data logging.”. The warning can safely be ignored.
Navigate to Settings → Firmware → Install firmware from SD/USB.
It should show the specific firmware version under 'Firmware found'. Click on it to install.
Note that while backporting is no problem in general, it may be that some settings are reset to their default values. Be sure to check this.