VictronConnect-Remote functionality enables Victron products with a VE.Direct or a VE.Can-only interface to be accessed remotely through a GX product, via the VRM online portal.
This powerful feature allows full product configuration and monitoring from practically anywhere in the world using the VictronConnect app.
The user interface experience is just like the products were connected locally using Bluetooth or a wired VE.Direct to USB interface.
A video demonstrating the feature is available here:
The VictronConnect-Remote feature is ONLY compatible with products connected to a GX product with a VE.Direct or a VE.Can-only interface. VE.Can devices that have both a VE.Can AND a VE.Direct interface, must be connected to the GX device via VE.Direct for VictronConnect-Remote to work.
This includes;
MPPT solar chargers with a VE.Direct interface (SmartSolar and BlueSolar)
Battery monitors with a VE.Direct interface (BMV and SmartShunt)
Specific inverters with a VE.Direct interface (Inverter VE.Direct and Inverter Smart)
Specific mains chargers with a VE.Direct interface (Smart IP43 Charger)
And VE.Can-only devices:
Lynx Smart BMS and Lynx Shunt VE.Can
Inverter RS, Multi RS and MPPT RS (they also have VE.Direct but must be connected via VE.Can for VC-R)
Blue/Smart Solar VE.Can MPPTs – Tr and MC4 models
Skylla-i and Skylla-IP44/-IP65 (requires firmware v1.11)
Unsupported products:
BlueSolar VE.Can MPPT 150/70 and BlueSolar VE.Can MPPT 150/85
Lynx Ion, Lynx Ion + Shunt, Lynx Ion BMS 150A, 400A, 600A, 1000A
Products connected with a VE.Bus interface, such as MultiPlus/Quattro inverter/chargers and larger Inverters are NOT compatible. However, another feature Remote VEConfigure already exists to configure these products remotely.
VictronConnect SW: v5.20
GX Product- Venus OS FW: v2.40 (However v2.53 recommended for full functionality)
Confirm that the phone has VictronConnect installed and that the software version meets or exceeds the minimum requirements - upgrade if necessary
Authorize VictronConnect to access your VRM account;
Open the VictronConnect app
Swipe across to the VRM tab, then select ‘SIGN IN TO VRM’
Complete your email address and VRM password, then select ‘Authorize Victron Connect’
If using a tablet or PC your browser may also request permission to open VictronConnect, if prompted select ‘Open’
Confirm that the GX Product is running Venus OS firmware version that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements - upgrade if necessary
Enable ‘VRM two-way communication’ under Device List > Settings > VRM Online Portal

The local tab displays all products that are within local Bluetooth and wireless LAN range or physically connected to the phone with VictronConnect (such as with a VE.Direct to USB or MK3 to USB interface cable)
![]() |
The VRM tab displays all VRM installations associated with the VRM user profile.
Any installation can be selected to access the VRM online portal or connected products.
![]() |
When a VRM installation is selected it will take a few seconds for a connection to be made, once the connection is established two tabs will appear, an ‘OVERVIEW’ tab and a ‘DEVICES’ tab.
The ‘OVERVIEW’ tab has an image of the GX product, the name of the VRM installation, and a direct link to the associated VRM Online Portal.

The ‘DEVICES’ tab has a list of all compatible products that are physically connected to the GX product.
![]() |
If using a tablet or PC, the ‘DEVICES’ tab is shown as a panel on the right side of the same screen.

When a product is selected it will take a few seconds for a connection to be made, once the connection is established live product information/data will begin to appear.

Immediately after initial connection settings and historical data will be downloaded, during this time a cloud symbol will remain in the upper right corner (this typically takes less than 30 seconds).
Settings cannot be accessed until the cloud symbol is replaced by the normal settings gear symbol.

To disable the link between VictronConnect-Remote and your VRM account, expand the main menu and then select ‘Settings’.

In the settings page select ‘SIGN OUT’ and then select ‘OK’ in the prompt window to confirm.

After signing out VictronConnect-Remote will no longer have access to the VRM account or any of the associated VRM installations. To reinstate access the log in procedure needs to be repeated.
Product not found
VictronConnect-Remote is only compatible with products that use a VE.Direct or VE.Can-only interface to the GX product – see the ‘compatibility’ section.
Ensure that the missing product is physically connected to the GX product, with the VE.Direct or VE.Can cable properly installed at both ends.
Ensure that the product is running a recent firmware version.
Installation/GX product not found or offline
Confirm that the installation is currently online and communicating with the VRM online portal.
Ensure that the installation is linked to the VRM account used during initial VictronConnect-Remote sign in to VRM.
Ensure that ‘VRM two-way communication’ is enabled – see the ‘settings’ section.
Ensure that the GX product is running the minimum compatible Venus OS firmware version – see the ‘settings’ section.
VictronConnect has no VRM tab
Ensure that the phone is running the minimum compatible VictronConnect software version – see the ‘settings’ section.
VRM account
It is necessary to have an active VRM account linked to your installation and any others that you intend to monitor or configure using VictronConnect-Remote - creating a new account is quick and easy.
For further information in relation to VRM (Victron Remote Management) see Getting started with VRM and the VRM online portal site.
Systems with no GX product
VictronConnect-Remote functionality is not possible unless the system includes a GX product. A GX product can be easily added to any system and there are a range of products available.
Installations with no internet connection
VictronConnect-Remote functionality is not possible unless the GX product at the installation site has an active internet connection.
For remote sites without an existing internet connection or with mobile installations, a Victron GX GSM modem can be easily be added to the system in order to provide an internet connection.
Large systems
The use of the VictronConnect-Remote feature will slightly increase the GX product CPU load.
In some large/complex systems (with many products connected to the GX product) the CPU may already be operating at its limit and any additional CPU load could exceed its capability - this will typically be recognisable by slow user interface response and/or unexpected system reboots.
It is important to select a GX product that has sufficient performance capability in relation to the system design, for example, a Cerbo GX has significantly more processing power than a Color Control GX and is much better suited to large/complex systems – see the performance section in the GX product range comparison table.
VictronConnect-Remote troubleshooting
VictronConnect will report errors encountered during communication attempts with VRM in a message box with an error code. The code can have one of the following value:
Error | Description |
-100 | Call to retrieve a list of child devices expired (60 seconds). The most common cause is a bad internet connection. |
1 | No link to VRM can be established. Check if the internet is present and try again. |
2 | VRM encountered temporary difficulties. Try again in a while. |
5 | The local system ran out of resources. Free some system resources and try again. |
8 | An error occurred with the network (e.g., the network cable was accidentally plugged out). |
13 | Proxy authentication error. VictronConnect does not support communication over proxy. |
14 | Failed to establish a secure connection to VRM. |
65538 | VRM MQTT broker is not responding. Please try again in a while. |
There are also other error codes that could be reported. They are a result of internal errors in VictronConnect and/or VRM. In case these errors persist after a retry, please create a “Service Report” and submit it for examination.
VictronConnect-Remote is establishing communication with a range of services on the '' domain. Please make sure that traffic with this domain is allowed in your firewall and internet security application.