Automatic equalization: Set-up the frequency of the auto equalize function. Available options are between 1 and 250 days.
Equalization is typically used to balance the cells in a lead battery, and also to prevent stratification of the electrolyte in flooded batteries. Whether (automatic) equalization is necessary, or not, depends on the type of batteries, and their usage. Consult your battery supplier for guidelines.
When the Automatic equalization cycle has initiated, the charger applies an equalization voltage to the battery as long as the current level stays below the equalization current percentage setting of the bulk current.
In the case of all VRLA batteries and some flooded batteries, automatic equalization ends when the voltage limit (maxV) has been reached, or after a period equal to (absorption time/8) - whichever comes first.
For all tubular plate batteries and also for the user-defined battery type, automatic equalization will end after a period equal to (absorption time/2).
For the lithium battery type, equalization is not available.
When an automatic equalization cycle is not completed in one day, it will not resume the next day. The next equalization session will take place according to the interval set in the 'Auto Equalization' option.
When an automatic equalization cycle is not completed in one day, it will not resume the next day. The next equalization session will take place according to the interval set in the 'Auto Equalization' option.