1. General
Product, system and fault information | |
Date | .... |
Model | .... |
Part number | .... |
Serial number | .... |
Date of installation (if known) | .... |
Date of failure (if known) | .... |
Battery type, brand name and overall capacity (if known) | .... |
2. Initial check
Initial check | |
Does the unit have internal water damage or corrosion? |
Are the internals of the unit very dirty, or is there soot, dust or oil present inside the unit? |
Are there foreign objects inside the unit: like screws, animals or insects? |
Does the unit have burn marks on its internal parts, or does it smell burned? |
Does the unit have mechanical damage to any of its internal parts? |
Does the unit have external mechanical, water or corrosion damage? |
Does the unit have burn marks or melting marks on its housing, or does it smell burned? |
Does the unit have mechanical or burn damage to its electrical connectors? |
3. First power up
Power the unit up and check | |
Remove all wires and cables from the unit. Connect the unit to a DC power supply or battery bank. Turn the DC supply on and turn the unit on via its main switch. Is there a DC short-circuit? |
Are there any LED(s) on or blinking? |
For Phoenix Inverter VE.Direct and Phoenix Inverter Compact only: Check the internal fuse and replace the fuse if it is broken. What is the outcome? |
Check if the remote link is in place; if not, place the link. Are any LED(s) on or blinking now? Note: To find the location of the remote link, refer to the product manual. |
4. Bluetooth
Bluetooth check | |
Is the unit a "Smart" product, i.e., does it have built-in Bluetooth? |
Is Bluetooth active, i.e., do you see the unit listed in the device list of the VictronConnect app? |
If Bluetooth is not active, it is unlikely to be a faulty Bluetooth module. More likely, Bluetooth has been turned off in the VictronConnect settings. To re-activate Bluetooth, consult the product manual. Is Bluetooth active now? |
If Bluetooth is still not active, rule out the following:
Is Bluetooth active now? |
5. Firmware and settings
Update the firmware and reset the settings to default | |
Connect via an interface (or Bluetooth) to the VictronConnect app and navigate to the unit. Is this possible? |
Check if the firmware is up to date. If the firmware is not up to date, update the firmware to the most recent version using the VictronConnect app:
Save the unit's settings. File the settings under its serial number and keep the file on record for future reference. To save the settings:
Reset all settings to default:
Does the VictronConnect app display any error codes? If so, try to resolve the errors by consulting the product manual. Did it get resolved? |
Write down the error number and name. | Error number: .... Error name: .... |
6. Functionality
Inverter functionality check | |
Measure the DC voltage at the DC connection terminals inside the unit. Is this voltage the same as the battery voltage reading in the VictronConnect app? |
Measure the AC output using a True RMS multimeter. Are you measuring exactly 230Vac or 120Vac depending on the unit's AC voltage rating? |
Does the measured AC voltage correspond with the AC voltage reading in the VictronConnect app? |
Load the unit using incandescent light globes, electric heaters or any other type of resistive AC load. Can the unit power a load as high as its power rating without overload or temperature alarm? |
Is the unit making an unusual noise? |
7. Remarks
Provide additional fault information or add issues not already covered in earlier questions |
.... |
.... |
.... |
.... |
8. RMA lodgement
For your information purposes, provide details after lodging the RMA | |
RMA type: |
RMA lodgement date | .... |
Victron Energy RMA number | .... |
Your reference number | .... |